Energy Harvesting

Customer benefits of energy harvesting include:
- significant cost savings through the conversion of waste heat to electricity
- cost efficient compliance with regulations
- works even at low temperatures
- easy and cost saving integration on systems compared to existing solutions
- increased reliability in power outage situations
Growing public awareness and strict environmental regulations have forced system developers and manufactures of energy system to invest in the development of more efficient systems in order to comply with market demands and strict CO2 emission regulations.
A significant number of energy technologies rely on thermal processes and offer great potential for efficient waste heat recovery. Waste heat is generated in for example fuel combustion engines or chemical reactions and most often wasted directly into the surroundings despite of its environmental and economic potential if harvested. The essential quality of heat is not the amount but rather its value.
Alpcon has developed products for Energy Harvesting purposes that have the ability to convert waste heat into electrical power even at low temperatures. Gains are high value both on initial and running cost.
Examples include Alpcon’s Passive Power Generator, which can be integrated with any residential or industry hot water applications and in return will generate electrical power for example for sensors, valves, lights, and standby power devices.
Another example is the Micro Power Generator, which generates electrical power from the heat loss in any district heating unit for reuse in the powering of energy meters, sensors, and valves.