R&D Projects
FP7 program, EU
- NanoCaTe (Nano-carbons thermoelectric generators for Energy harvesting)
Participants: Fraunhofer (DE), Acondicionamiento Tarrasense Associacion (SP), Technical Research Centre of Finland (FI), INVENT GmbH (DE), Quick-Ohm Küpper & Co. GmbH (DE), Infineon Technologies Austria (A), Kimglobal (SP), Technical University Graz (A), Aalborg University (DK), and DTU-Risoe (DK).
Innovation Fund Denmark

- ENOVHEAT (Magnetocaloric heat pump systems a high efficient heat pump system)
Participants: DTU-Risoe (DK), Aalborg University (DK), University of Ljubljana (SI), Imperial college London (UK), University of Wisconsin (UK), University of Southern (DK), Technoflex (DK), Vacuumschmelze GmbH (DE), and BOSCH/Siemens GmbH (DE).
- OTE-Power (high temperature thermoelectrics for power generation of high temperature waste heat)
Participants: DTU-Risoe (DK), FLSmidth (DK), Caltech (US), Kyushu university (JP), Aalborg University (DK), and Aarhus University (INANO) (DK).
- Center for Thermoelectric Energy Conversion (CTEC), DSF (2014-2018)
Project budget: 36,0 mio. kr.
Project period: 2014-2018
Participants: Aarhus Universitet (DK), Aalborg Universitet (DK), DTU-Risoe (DK), Chalmars University of Technology (SE), TEGnology (DK), Alpcon, PANCO GmbH (GE), Termo-Gen AB (SE), Aalborg Portland (DK).